City Manager
The City Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer and head of the administrative branch of city government. Responsible for the City organization consisting of Finance, Public Safety (Fire and Police Departments), and Public Works departments. The City Manager also serves as the Chief Executive Director of the Choctaw Utilities Authority.
The City government provides a broad range of goods and services to its citizens. The activities and personnel required to provide these goods and services are organized into broad managerial areas called Funds. Funds are separate fiscal and accounting entities with their own resources and budgets necessary to carry out specific activities and attain certain objectives.
Funds are further organized into functional groups called departments or divisions. A department is a group of related activities tasked with accomplishing a major City service or program (e.g. Police Department). A department may be further divided into smaller areas called divisions. Divisions perform specific functions within the Department (e.g. Municipal Court is a division of the Administration).
At the head of each department is a director who is an officer of the City. Directors have supervision and control of a department and the divisions within it, but are subject to supervision and control by the City Manager.
Appoint, and when deemed necessary for the good of the service, lay off, suspend, demote, or remove all directors, or heads, of administrative departments and all other administrative officers and employees of the City except as he may authorize the head of a department, an officer, or an agency to appoint, lay off, suspend, demote, and remove subordinates in such department, office, or agency.
Supervise and control, directly or indirectly, all administrative departments, agencies, officers, and employees.
Prepare a budget annually and submit it to the Council, be responsible for the administration of the budget after it goes into effect, and recommend to the Council changes in the budget which he deems desirable.
Submit to the Council a report as of the end of the fiscal year on the finances and administrative activities of the City for the preceding year.
Keep the Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the City, and make such recommendations to the Council on matters of policy and other matters as may seem to him desirable.
Have such other powers and duties as the Charter may prescribe, and such powers and duties consistent with the Charter as the Council may prescribe.