Boards & Commissions

In Choctaw, our thriving community is supported by a dedicated City Council and several specialized community boards. These boards comprise passionate members from our own neighborhoods, generously volunteering their time and expertise to create an exceptional living experience for all residents.


The Board of Adjustments primary responsibility is to carefully listen to appeals and make fair decisions when there are concerns that there could be errors in administrative orders related to zoning enforcement. We take every appeal seriously, aiming to uphold the integrity of our zoning ordinance and ensure equitable outcomes for all involved.


The Economic Development Authority works to create an environment in the City of Choctaw where business and industry can invest money in our community and receive a quality return on that investment, where every part of the workforce can find and maintain quality employment and earn a quality wage, and where citizens can enjoy life and prosper.

Eastern Oklahoma Medical Development Authority

Comprised of members from multiple cities in Eastern Oklahoma County, the Authority is  committed to envisioning and planning the future of medical care in our region. Together, we aim to enhance healthcare services and ensure a healthier tomorrow for everyone in the area.


The Personnel Board is a crucial advisory body working closely with the City Manager on personnel-related matters. Their expertise and guidance contribute to fostering a well-functioning and harmonious workforce, ensuring the best possible outcomes for the city's employees.


The City of Choctaw’s Planning Commission is a trusted advisory board and works closely with the City Council to address all things related to planning and zoning the community. From comprehensive urban development to zoning regulations, the Commission is dedicated to shaping a sustainable and prosperous future for Choctaw.


The Public Recreation Board collaborates closely with the Parks and Recreation Director, City Manager and City Council to provide valuable insights and recommendations to enhance our community's leisure spaces and activities. We hope to help shape a dynamic and enjoyable environment for everyone to explore, play, and unwind.

Construction Board of Appeals

The Construction Board of Appeals convenes on an as-needed basis, prompted by appeal applications, to attentively review and address concerns raised against orders, decisions, and interpretations made by the Building Official. Our objective is to ensure fair and impartial resolution, fostering a safer and more compliant construction environment for the benefit of our community.


You have the power to be an integral part of our City Government. No matter your passion or interest, we wholeheartedly encourage you to get involved. As Choctaw develops and grows, preserving our small-town essence remains a top priority. Your voice as citizens matters greatly, and we are eager to listen to your wants and needs. Within our city, we boast a diverse array of boards and commissions that are helping to create a creating a thriving community.

If you are interested in volunteering for a position on a board, please visit our Choctaw Needs You Page for more information.